题目:A Brief History of Reliability Engineering: From Practice to Theory(可靠性工程简史:由实践到理论)
演讲人:Loon Ching TANG院士,新加坡国立大学
Loon Ching TANG现任新加坡国立大学工业系统工程与管理系教授,新加坡工程院院士。于1992年获得康奈尔大学运筹学博士学位,在工业工程和运筹学相关领域发表了大量文章。曾获得多项最佳论文奖,包括2010年IIE Transactions最佳应用论文奖和2012年RAMS年度最佳论文R.a.Evans/P.K.McElroy奖。TANG教授是获奖著作《六西格玛:黑带高级工具和黑带大师》的主要作者。在过去的30年里,TANG教授还为许多组织担任顾问,广泛参与了致力于提高组织和运营卓越性的项目,如新加坡内政部、新加坡电网、新加坡空军、希捷、惠普、菲利普斯等。TANG教授现为ISEAM会士,国际期刊Quality & Reliability Engineering International和Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering联合主编,Journal of Quality Technology和ASCE-ASME Journal of Risks and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems编委。
We first give an historical account of the origin of reliability engineering so as to understand how it has impacted the development of various major technological breakthroughs in the last 70 years. Knowing the past and how we get here today, we follow up by discussing some challenges that were motivated by real world problems. The main objective of the talk is to provide an appraisal of the state of development of reliability and share some of my personal journey in this area. At the same time, we also hope to provoke further thoughts and ideas on how we should respond to these challenges.