

创建时间:  2015-06-03  沈洁   浏览次数:

讲座题目:Optimizing Bus Bridging Services in Response to Disruptions of Urban Transit Rail Networks地铁网络局部瘫痪情形下的摆渡车应急服务调度优化)
金建钢博士,上海交通大学国际航运系助理教授,清华大学学士、新加坡国立大学博士、博士后。2012年曾任新加坡-美国麻省理工学院研究与技术联盟研究助理。分别于2011年、2013年获得获国际运筹学与管理学研究学会(INFORMS) 铁路优化专题竞赛(RAS Problem Solving Competition)一等奖(First Prize)、荣誉提名奖 (Honorable Mention Award)。研究兴趣:集装箱港口运营管理、航运物流网络优化、城市交通系统(公交、地铁)建模、仿真与优化,以及铁路、航空、航运网络设计优化。
Given many cities growing dependence on public rail transport, simple network disruptions can lead to widespread confusion and significant productivity loss to the society. Therefore, a systematic approach to develop efficient disruption response and minimize the negative impacts is required. In this paper, we develop a planning procedure to supplement a degraded urban mass rapid transit network through intelligent introduction of shuttle bus services in the disrupted area. The proposed method includes two important mechanisms, namely (1) using column generation to identify all beneficial bus routes, including those which might not be intuitively found, and (2) using a path-based multi-commodity flow formulation to select the best among these candidate bus routes. Finally, the method is applied to two disruption case studies defined using real-world data; the corresponding results confirmed the practicality of the proposed approach: (1) the procedure can be carried out efficiently, (2) introducing bus routes to the naive bridging services can easily yield significant improvement on commuters travel delay, (3) the distribution of commuters travel delay is improved considerably with an optimized response, and (4) many realistic operating constraints can be handled in planning process.


下一条:上海管理论坛第139期(Pascal Marmier,瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心执行总监、瑞士驻沪总领事馆副总领事)


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