讲座题目:国家利益相关者、企业社会责任和银行贷款定价(National stakeholder orientation, corporate social responsibility and bank loan pricing)
主讲人:王文明 博士(香港浸会大学)
王文明,博士,香港浸会大学研究助理教授。研究方向主要集中于家族集团企业公司治理、企业社会责任、公司财务会计相关问题等。论文曾发表于Journal of Banking and Finance、 Financial Management,以及Fournal of Business Ethics。
With a sample of firms from 20 countries, this study investigates how the relation between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and value creation is affected by the degree of national stakeholder orientation in the context of bank loan contracting. We find that firms with superior CSR performance are more likely to enjoy lower bank loan costs in more stakeholder-oriented countries. This study contributes to CSR literature by highlighting the importance of nation-level institutional environments in determining the economic consequences of CSR commitments. Our results remain a battery of sensitivity tests.