
Call for Papers for JMS and SAMS Workshops

创建时间:  2014-12-23  沈洁   浏览次数:

Call for Papers for JMS and SAMS Workshops
The Journal of Management Studies (JMS) and the Society for Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) are strongly committed to help develop even greater management scholarship in China and throughout Asia.
Consistent with this goal we will be offering two workshops in China in 2015 to develop papers for submission to major international journals. Submission of manuscripts for presentation at either the Beijing or Changchun workshop is recommended to Chinese scholars. However, papers progressed through these workshops are NOT required to be submitted to JMS. In fact, participation of a manuscript in either workshop is not a guarantee or promise to be considered or accepted for publication in JMS. We are interested in helping Chinese scholars push their research to a stage they could be published in any major international journal. The paper must include at least one China resident as we seek to contribute to building domestic research capacity in China.
The workshops are:
June 11 – Beijing – Renmin University of China
June 25 – Changchun – Jilin University
Only 12 most promising papers accepted for each workshop.
Participation in these workshops is not only submitting a manuscript and expecting discussions and suggestions on ways to improve it; participants must also be willing to read several other participants’ manuscripts, discuss them and provide feedback on ways to improve them as well.
JMS editors and reviewers among other international scholars will attend each workshop to comment on the papers and help improve them for ultimate submission to a journal.
If interested in participating, please submit your paper for consideration of inclusion in the workshop by May 6 to Garry Bruton (g.bruton@tcu.edu) with a cc to Lisa O’Brien (l.obrien@tcu.edu). After that date I will be in touch if you have been accepted for the workshop and the papers you are to discuss.
If any questions please contact me (g.bruton@tcu.edu).
Garry D. Bruton, Ph.D.
Neeley School of Business at TCU
General Editor - Journal of Management Studies
Associate Editor – Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal




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