讲座题目:Container liner shipping modeling: a reexamination
主讲人:王帅安 博士(美国欧道明大学)
王帅安博士,1984年生,目前是美国欧道明大学(Old Dominion University)商学院助理教授。他本科毕业于清华大学机械工程系(全系第一名);硕士毕业于清华大学工业工程系、德国亚琛工业大学(RWTH Aachen University)生产系统工程专业(双硕士项目第一名);博士阶段以满分成绩毕业于新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)交通工程系,并获总统奖学金。博士毕业后赴澳大利亚卧龙岗大学(University of Wollongong)数学系担任讲师,因突出的教学科研业绩,一年半获终身教职。研究包括集装箱航运、港口与物流管理、多模式联运、交通工程。近几年发表SCI国际期刊论文50篇(第一作者论文25篇),其中包括在国家自科基金委管理学部认可的A+期刊(TS和TR Part B)上12篇、管理科学领域权威刊物EJOR 3篇。 论文被引用次数超过500余篇次。
王帅安博士担任国际期刊International Journal of Transportation的编委以及26个期刊的审稿人,近年来共主持或参与了多项新加坡东方海皇集团(NOL)工业科研基金项目、香港自然科学基金(RGC)项目、卧龙岗大学研究基金项目以及中国自然科学基金面上项目。担任荷兰自然科学基金、比利时自然科学基金评委。2013年2月受澳大利亚维多利亚交通厅邀请,做了"航运与港口操作规划"的报告。2011年至今已经向美国总统航班做了15次以上关于集装箱班轮航运的学术报告。2011年至今已经受邀在美国欧道明大学、澳大利亚莫纳什大学、格里菲斯大学、新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学、新加坡国立大学、香港科技大学、香港理工大学等做了多次学术报告。
Around 70% of international trade by value is carried by sea. Among all the sea cargoes, 52% in dollar terms are shipped in containers. Containers are transported on liner shipping services at sea that can be equated with bus services in urban transportation. This presentation will first introduce the background of container liner shipping and some basic container shipping models in the literature. After that, four aspects of the existing models will be examined. First, is it necessary to formulate integer numbers of containers, multi-type containers, empty container repositioning, ship repositioning, and allow slot-purchasing in tactical-level planning models? Second, is it significant to model the inventory costs of containers in liner shipping network design? Third, what values of inventory costs of containers should be adopted in liner planning models from the perspective of shipping lines? Fourth, how can shipping lines and port operators collaborate to improve the overall performance? The works in the presentation deviate from conventional research methodologies that optimize decisions based on parameters that are (sometimes assumed) known. The four works provide some hints of: how to check whether some simplifications of the reality in mathematical models is acceptable; how to model a factor that is significant but too difficult to formulate; how to estimate the value of a parameter; and how changing the values some parameters that seem to be fixed provides new insights.