本次论坛系联合国贸易和发展会议《2013年信息经济报告》的发布论坛,并由此报告起草组组长、贸发会议技术与物流司信通分析处处长托本•弗莱德瑞克逊先生(Torbjörn Fredriksson)做主题报告。
主 办 方:联合国贸易与发展会议(UNCTAD)
承 办 方:上海大学管理学院
托本•弗莱德瑞克逊先生(Torbjörn Fredriksson)是联合国贸易与发展会议(UNCTAD,简称"贸发会议")技术与物流司信通技术分析处(the ICT Analysis Section of the Division on Technology and Logistics)的处长,负责每年的信息经济报告和联合国贸发会议电子商务和ICT的测评。他是联合国贸发会议"为实现发展的ICT测评合作"的代表,同时也是信息社会世界高峰会议(WSIS forum)的创始人之一。
托本•弗莱德瑞克逊先生于2000年加入联合国贸发会议,也一直是世界投资报告的主笔人之一。在此之前,他曾在瑞典"工业和商业部"的瑞典投资署以及斯德哥尔摩经济和社会研究所工作。托本•弗莱德瑞克逊先生也是一些著作和文章的撰写人,这些文献涉及国际贸易,投资和科技等领域,发表在《国际商业研究杂志》(Journal of International Business Studies),《产业组织国际杂志》(International Journal of Industrial Organization),《世界投资杂志》(Journal of World Investment)等杂志。托本•弗莱德瑞克逊先生持有斯德哥尔摩国际经济学的硕士学位。
附三:《联合国贸易与发展会议(UNCTAD)"信息改变经济格局"》论坛报名信息表(Application Form)(点击下载附件)
Information Changes Economic Structure Forum
Innovation in the realm of information technology continues its rapid pace, with cloud computing representing one of the latest advances. Significant improvements in the capacity to process, transmit and store data are making cloud computing increasingly important in the delivery of public and private services. This has considerable potential for economic and social development.
United National Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released The Information Economy Report 2013 at the end of 2013. In the preface, BAN Ki-mom, the secretary-general of UN points out," The Information Economy Report marks the first time the United Nations is examining the economic potential of cloud computing for low- and middle-income countries, where rates of adoption are currently low. With governments, businesses and other organizations in the developing world considering whether to migrate some or all of their data and activities to the cloud, this publication is especially timely. I commend its information and analysis to all those interested in learning more about the benefits and risks of the cloud economy."
The Information Economy Report 2013 will be released in China at the Information Changes Economic Structure Forum. Mr. Torbjörn Fredriksson, the leader of the report’s drafting group, as well as the head of the ICT Analysis Section of the Division on Technology and Logistics at the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) will attend the forum with a key speech.
Information Changes Economic Structure Forum
14:00 April 1,2014
At the International Conference Center, Shanghai University
99 Shangda Road, BaoShan District, Shanghai.
UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
School of Management, Shanghai University
Contact Us: 86-21-66134284 (Tel), (Email)
Mr. Torbjörn Fredriksson heads the ICT Analysis Section of the Division on Technology and Logistics at the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). He is among other things responsible for the annual Information Economy Report and UNCTAD’s work on e-commerce and ICT measurement. He represents UNCTAD in the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development and is one of the organizers of the annual WSIS Forum. Mr Fredriksson joined UNCTAD in 2000 and was for eight years one of the principal authors of the World Investment Report. Before joining UNCTAD, Mr Fredriksson held positions at the Invest in Sweden Agency, the Swedish Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and the Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research in Stockholm. Mr Fredriksson is the author of several books and has published articles related to international trade, investment and technology, for example, in the Journal of International Business Studies, International Journal of Industrial Organization and the Journal of World Investment. He holds an MSc in International Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics.
Summary of the Information Economy Report 2013
-Cloud computing accentuates the quality dimensionof the digital divide.
-Massive improvements in storage, processing andtransmission capacity have paved the way for thecloud economy.
-The cloud economy comprises various cloud servicecategories and deployments.
-Different cloud configurations offer bothopportunities and risks for potential cloud servicecustomers.
-The cloud economy is expanding fast but is stillsmall.
-Cloud adoption in developing countries haspotential implications for both the supply and theuser side of the cloud economy.
-Infrastructure deficiencies seriously hamper theuptake of and benefits from cloud computing inmany developing countries.
-The cloud raises legal and regulatory challenges, especially concerning data protection and privacy.
-Governments should facilitate benefits from thecloud economy but be aware of pitfalls.
-Development partners should work withGovernments in responding to the cloud economy.