| 教授、博士生导师 系所:管理科学与工程系 Email:yying@shu.edu.cn 研究方向:交通行为与心理、可持续交通管理与政策、文化与认知、群体情绪与行为 |
主要研究领域包括交通行为与心理、可持续交通管理与政策、文化与认知、群体情绪与行为等。近期研究包括但不限于:1)应用行为经济学理论和累积前景理论(Cumulative Prospect Theory)分析出行者的通勤交通方式选择,通过定量化建模分析出行者对金钱和时间的敏感差异性;2)基于大数据和行为模型,分析共享交通模式的决策影响因素,以促进共享交通模式的使用(如共享自行车、公共交通);3)结合社会心理学理论,研究个体心理与社会文化因素对交通行为的影响,如共享单车的停放、争道抢行和交通方式选择等;4)考察东西方文化背景下不同群体的认知和行为差异,及其对于组织管理和社会运行的影响,如群体情绪(collective emotion)、整体认知(global cognition)、非典型抑郁(atypical depression)、心理健康素养(mental health literacy)等。
近年来发表SCI或SSCI检索国际期刊论文20余篇,包括《Transportation Research Part A》、《Transportation Research Part D》、《Applied Energy》、《Knowledge-based System》、《Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology》等。
2010-2012 新加坡南洋理工大学 商学院 联合培养博士
2009-2012 北京师范大学 心理学院 博士
2006-2009 北京师范大学 心理学院 硕士
2002-2006中国人民大学 人文学院 学士
1. Gao, K., Yang, Y.*, Gil, J., Qu, X. (2023). Data-driven interpretation on interactive and nonlinear effects of the correlated built environment on shared mobility. Journal of Transport Geography, 110, 103604. (IF=6.1, JCR Q1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2023.103604
2. Yan, R., Mo, H., Guo, X., Yang, Y.*, & Wang, S. (2022). Is port state control influenced by the COVID-19? Evidence from inspection data. Transport Policy, 123, 82-103. (IF= 6.173, JCR Q1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2022.04.002
3. Gao, K., Yang, Y.*, Zhang, T., Li, A., Qu, X., (2021). Extrapolation-enhanced model for travel decision making: An ensemble machine learning approach considering behavioral theory. Knowledge-Based Systems, 218, 106882. (IF= 8.03, JCR Q1, 中科院1区). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.106882
4. Wang, Y.#, Yang, Y.#, Wang, J., Douglas, M., Su, D., (2021). Examining the influence of social norms on orderly parking behavior of dockless bike-sharing users. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 147, 284–296. (Co-first authorship, IF = 5.59, JCR Q1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2021.03.022
5. Gao, K., Sun, L., Yang, Y.*, Meng, F., Qu, X., (2021). Cumulative prospect theory coupled with multi-attribute decision making for modeling travel behavior. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 148, 1–21. (IF = 5.59, JCR Q1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2021.03.025
6. Qi, W., Shen, B., Yang, Y.*, (2021). Modeling drivers’ scrambling behavior in China: An application of theory of planned behavior. Travel Behaviour and Society, 24, 164–171 (IF = 4.98, JCR Q2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbs.2021.03.008
7. Gao, K., Yang, Y.*, Qu, X., (2021). Examining nonlinear and interaction effects of multiple determinants on airline travel satisfaction. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 97, 102957 (IF = 5.49, JCR Q1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2021.102957
8. Gao, K., Yang, Y.*, Li, A., Li, J., Yu, B., (2021). Quantifying economic benefits from free-floating bike-sharing systems: A trip-level inference approach and city-scale analysis. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 144, 89–103 (IF= 5.59, JCR Q1, ESI高引). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2020.12.009
9. Xu, Y., Zheng, Y., Yang, Y.*, (2021). On the movement simulations of electric vehicles: A behavioural model-based approach. Applied Energy, 283, 116356 (IF = 9.74, JCR Q1, 中科院1区, ESI高引). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.116356
10. Yang, Y.*, Hong, Y., Sanchez-Burks, J., (2019). Emotional aperture across East and West: How culture shapes the perception of collective affect. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 50 (6), 751-762 (IF = 2.62, JCR Q3). https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022119846412