

创建时间:  2023-02-27  朱毅雅   浏览次数:








主要从事半导体制造生产计划与调度优化、医疗服务系统实时调度研究等。近年来,在IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: SystemIEEE Transactions on Control Systems TechnologyIEEE Transactions on CyberneticsInternational Journal of Production Research等工业工程与管理科学领域国际一流期刊发表相关科研学术成果30余项,包括在IEEE Transactions相关期刊发表长文14篇,获得美国授权专利5项。Google Scholar统计论文引用次数1000余次,H指数16。

2014年荣获教育部“博士研究生国家奖学金”,2018年获德国联邦政府“洪堡学者”研究基金,2021年成功入选上海市海外高层次人才计划——“上海千人”,同年以第一作者身份荣获国际知名期刊中科院一区IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica钱学森论文奖(每年仅有一个名额)。



2015.09 – 2016.08 博士联合培养,电气与计算机工程,美国新泽西理工学院

2011.09 – 2016.12 硕博连读,机械工程,广东工业大学

2007.09 – 2011.06 本科,工业工程,湖南科技大学


2023.02 – 至今 上海大学,管理学院,特聘教授

2021.07 – 2022.12 德国哈根大学,数学与计算机科学系,研究员

2019.07 – 2021.06 德国哈根大学,数学与计算机科学系,“洪堡学者”研究员

2017.01 – 2019.05 新加坡南洋理工大学,电气与电子工程学院,博士后研究员


Ø 期刊论文

1. Yang F. J., Wu N. Q., Qiao Y., and Zhou M. C., “Optimal One-Wafer Cyclic Scheduling of Single-Arm Multi-Cluster Tools with Two-Space Buffering Modules,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 44(12): 1584-1597, 2014. (中科院一区)

2. Yang F. J., Wu N. Q., Qiao Y., and Zhou M. C., “Petri Net-Based Polynomially Complex Approach to Optimal One-Wafer Cyclic Scheduling of Hybrid Multi-Cluster Tools in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 44(12): 1598-1610, 2014. (中科院一区)

3. Yang F. J., Wu N. Q., Qiao Y., and Zhou M. C., “Petri Net-Based Optimal One-Wafer Cyclic Scheduling of Hybrid Multi-Cluster Tools in Wafer Fabrication,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 27(2): 192-203, 2014. (中科院三区)

4. Yang F. J., Wu N. Q., Qiao Y., Zhou M. C., Su R., and Qu, T., “Modeling and Optimal Scheduling of Wafer- residency-time Constrained Cluster Tools via Petri Nets and Linear Programming,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 50(3): 871-883, 2017. (中科院一区)

5. Yang F. J., Wu N. Q., Qiao Y., and Zhou M. C., “Optimal One-Wafer Cyclic Scheduling of Time-Constrained Hybrid Multicluster Tools via Petri Nets,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 47(11): 2920-2932, 2017. (中科院一区)

6. Yang F. J., Wu N. Q., Qiao Y., Zhou M. C., and Li Z. W., “Scheduling of Single-Arm Cluster Tools for an Atomic Layer Deposition Process With Residency Time Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 47(3): 502-516, 2017. (中科院一区ESI高被引论文)

7. Yang F. J., Wu N. Q., Qiao Y., Zhou M. C., Su R., and Qu T., “Petri Net-Based Efficient Determination of Optimal Schedule for Transport-dominant Single-Arm Multi-Cluster Tools,” IEEE Access, 6: 355-365, 2017. (中科院三区)

8. Yang F. J., Wu N. Q., Qiao Y., and Zhou M. C., “Optimal One-wafer Cyclic Scheduling of Hybrid Multi-robot Cluster Tools with Tree Topology,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 48(2): 289-298, 2018. (中科院一区)

9. Yang F. J., Wu N. Q., Qiao Y., and Su R., “Polynomial Approach to Optimal One-wafer Cyclic Scheduling of Treelike Hybrid Multi-Cluster Tools via Petri Nets,” IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 5(1): 270-280, 2018. (中科院一区)

10. Yang F. J., Gao K. Z., Simon I. W., Zhu Y. T., and Su R., “Decomposition Methods for Manufacturing System Scheduling: A Survey,” IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 5(2): 389-400, 2018. (中科院一区)

11. Yang F. J., Wu N. Q., Gao, K. Z., Zhang C. J., Zhu Y. T., Su R., and Qiao Y., “Efficient Approach to Cyclic Scheduling of Single-arm Cluster Tools with Chamber Cleaning Operations and Wafer Residency Time Constraint,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 31(2): 196-205, 2018. (中科院三区)

12. Yang F. J., Qiao Y., Gao K. Z, Wu N. Q., Simon I. W., Zhu Y. T., and Su R., “Efficient Approach to Scheduling of Transient Processes for Time-Constrained Single-Arm Cluster Tools With Parallel Chambers,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 50(10): 3646-3657, 2020. (中科院一区)

13. Yang F. J., Tang X., Wu N. Q., Zhang C. J., and Gao L., “Wafer Residency Time Analysis for Time -constrained Single-robot-arm Cluster Tools with Activity Time Variation,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(4): 1177-1188, 2020. (中科院二区)

14. Yang F. J., Wu N. Q., Qiao Y., Zhou M. C., Su R., and Zhang C. J., “Wafer Sojourn Time Fluctuation Analysis for Time-Constrained Dual-Arm Multi-Cluster Tools with Activity Time Variation,” International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 34(7-8): 734-751, 2021. (中科院三区)

15. Gao K. Z., Yang F. J., Zhou M. C., Pan Q. K., and Suganthan P. N., “Flexible Job-Shop Rescheduling for New Job Insertion by Using Discrete Jaya Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 49(5): 1944-1955, 2018. (中科院一区,ESI高被引论文)

16. Gao K. Z., Yang F. J. *, Li J. Q., Sang H. Y., and Luo J. P., “Improved Jaya Algorithm for Flexible Job Shop Rescheduling Problem,” IEEE Access, 8: 86915-86922, 2020. (中科院三区)

17. Li C., Yang F. J. *, and Zhen L. *, “Efficient Scheduling Approaches to Time-constrained Single-armed Cluster Tools with Condition-based Chamber Cleaning Operations,” International Journal of Production Research, 60(11): 3555-3568, 2022. (中科院二区)

18. 镇璐, 张晓琴, 阳罚军*. 带驻留时间约束及清洗工艺的晶圆制造设备调度研究. 系统工程理论与实践. 43(8): 2395-2411, 2023.

19. Li C., Yang Z., Yang F. J.* and Wang F, “A Novel and Efficient Real-time Sequencing Strategy for Appointment Scheduling with Unpunctual Patients,” Journal of Scheduling, 27: 135-149, 2024. (中科院四区)

Ø 美国授权专利

1. Wu, N. Q., Yang, F. J., Qiao, Y., Zhou, M. C. and Li Z. W., “Cluster tool apparatus and a method of controlling a cluster tool apparatus,” 2020-05-05, US Patent 10,643,873 B2.

2. Wu, N. Q., Yang, F. J., Bai L. P., Zhou, M. C. and Li Z. W., “Multi cluster tool system and a method of controlling a multi tool cluster system,” 2019-12-31, US Patent 10,520,914 B2.

3. Wu, N. Q., Yang, F. J., Qiao, Y., and Zhou, M. C., “System and method for determining an optimized schedule of a production line,” 2018-10-16, US Patent 10,101,721 B2.

4. Wu, N. Q., Yang, F. J., Qiao, Y., and Zhou, M. C., “Petri Net-Based Optimal One-Wafer Cyclic Scheduling of Treelike Hybrid Multi-Cluster Tools,” 2018-9-11, US Patent 10,073,444 B2.

5. Wu, N. Q., Yang, F. J., Qiao, Y., and Zhou, M. C., “Method for Scheduling Single-Arm Cluster Tools with Wafer Revisiting and Residency Time Constraints, 2015-12-29, US Patent 9,223,307 B1.


1. 华中科技大学,数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室开放课题基金(DMETKF2019015),2019.01-2020.12(主持)

2. 德国哈根大学,“洪堡学者”研究基金,“Data-driven Scheduling Methods for Smart Manufacturing”,2019.07-2021.06(主持)

3. 新加坡南洋理工大学,“Hierarchical Modelling and Real-Time Operation Planning for Low Volume High Mix Reconfigurable Manufacturing”,2017.01-2019.06(主要参与)

4. 德国哈根大学,“Energy-efficient Batch Optimization Algorithms (E2BOA)”,2021.07-2022.12(主要参与)

5. 上海千人计划研究基金,2023.03-2026.06(主持)




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