House of Three 是一家投资公司,它拥有并运营整个外滩三号项目。创立于香港,House of Three是第一家得到政府批准而拥有并开发外滩建筑的外资企业。
Three on the Bund is owned and operated by the investment holding company House of Three.Established in Hong Kong, House of Three is the first private company to obtain government approvalto own and develop a building on the Bund.
The project focused on the restoration of a historical building to its original grandeur. The originalseven-story building was commissioned in 1916 by the Union Assurance Company was the first buildingi n S hanghai t o be bui l t arou nd a s t r uct ural s t eel f rame T hree on t he B u nd.
In 2004, the building was transformed into Three on the Bund by renowned American architect MichaelGraves . Today, Three on the Bund i s a premier des t inat ion blending ar t , cul ture,gastronomy, music and fashion and a well established Shanghai landmark.
文案Copywriter 1名: 英语流利、计算机操作熟练、态度积极
财务审计Auditor 1名: 英语流利、计算机操作熟练、态度积极、有相关工作经验
人力资源主管HR Executive 1名: 英语流利、计算机操作熟练、态度积极、有相关招聘和薪资福利主管工作经验
人力资源协调员HR Coordinator 1名: 英语流利、计算机操作熟练、态度积极、有相关招聘和薪资福利工作经验
培训协调员Training Coordinator 1名: 男、英语流利、计算机操作熟练、态度积极
营运部助理Operations Assit. 2名: 英语流利、计算机操作熟练、愿意从事餐饮业、态度积极
销售助理Sales Assit. 1名: 英语流利、计算机操作熟练、愿意从事餐饮业、态度积极
公司前台Receptionist&Admin 1名: 英语流利、计算机操作熟练、愿意从事餐饮业、态度积极
Unico餐厅销售助理 Sales Assit. 1名: 英语流利、计算机操作熟练、愿意从事餐饮业、态度积极